In this tutorial, I will show you how to spice up a fairly dull and flat photograph. It’s very easy and fast! Go from flat photo to a uniquely lit style.
Resources :
clouds photo
Step 1
First of all, my apologies for this step. I waited for a good 20 minutes but that car didn’t move, so I had to take the photo with it!
Anyway, just use the Patch Tool (J) to remove the car and the Clone Stamp Tool (S) to recreate the pattern of the bricks where it used to be.
If you’ve never used the Patch Tool, there are a couple of ways to use it. First, make a selection as you would if you were using the Lasso Tool, then click inside the area and drag with your mouse. Depending on whether you are using Source or Destination as your checked option you will either move the image inside the selection, or move the whole selection around. The Patch Tool will blend-in the area you’ve chosen when you let go. You can also use patterns and transparency. All in all, it’s a great tool.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Send it to the back of the other layers.
Then duplicate it and set the copy layer Blending Mode to Lighter Color.
Step 6
Set the Blending Mode to Multiply.
Step 7
Then desaturate it with Ctrl+Shift+U, set the Blending Mode to Overlay, and the Opacity to 50%.
Step 8
With a large, white, soft brush that matches the size of the light of the sun, just make a round spot.
Then apply the Luce filter that you can download free or use the previous tutorial about Lighting Through Clouds here on Psdtuts+, to make this light coming through the clouds. Set the Blending Mode to Overlay.
This is an example with black background to demonstrate the effect.
Step 9
e dark side of the castle and Dodge the light part of it with a large, soft brush. By doing this, we make it seem as if the light is coming from the clouds and hitting the right side of the castle, leaving the other side in darkness.
At this point we’re almost done, but the image is overall quite dark and our blur earlier has left it slightly too blurry, so we’ll fix that next.
Step 10
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